It is as if the problems associated with Round up , a herbicide produced by Monsanto, are not enough to worry about. As the previous post notes that gave us the Super Weed. Not to be outdone DuPont's Herbicide; Imprelis; designed to stop weeds from growing is killing trees and poisoning the water table wherever it is used. It has been labelled the Rogue Herbicide by Jim Hightower whose full column follows:
In the corporate world's tortured language, workers are no longer fired. They just experience an "employment adjustment." But the most twisted euphemism I've heard in a long time comes from DuPont: "We are investigating the reports of these unfavorable tree symptoms," the pesticide maker recently stated.
How unfavorable? Finito, flat-lined, the tree is dead. Not just one tree, but hundreds of thousands all across the country are suffering the final "symptom."
The culprit turns out to be Imprelis, a DuPont weed-killer widely applied to lawns, golf courses, and — ironically — cemeteries.
Rather than just poisoning dandelions and other weeds, the herbicide also seems to be causing spruces, pines, willows, poplars, and other unintended victims to croak.
"It's been devastating," says a Michigan landscaper who applied Imprelis to about a thousand properties this spring and has already had more than a third of them suffer outbreaks of tree deaths. "It looks like someone took a flamethrower to them," he says.
At first, DuPont tried to dodge responsibility, claiming that landscape workers might be applying the herbicide improperly. The corporation even urged customers to be patient and leave the tree corpses on their lawns to see if they'd come back to life in a few years.
However, faith-based landscaping was a hard sell. Disgruntled homeowners began filing lawsuits. Then DuPont had its own "aha!" moment when trees on the grounds of the DuPont Country Club also developed the "unfavorable symptoms" of Imprelis poisoning.
So, with DuPont's cooperation, the EPA has finally banned sales of the tree-killing herbicide. But because of inadequate testing and a rush to profit, the poison will remain in the soil — and our water— for many moons. Trees will continue to die. Will we never learn?
This is just terrible. An example of our forced dependance can be shown with the problems with Monsanto round up herbicide ready soybeans. Farmers are nearly forced in by laws and markets to use the crop (90% of soybeans produced have the Monsanto patented gene) and we are just infecting the rest of nature with acceptance of foreign chemicals and genetically modified organisms. its sickening to see the amount of effort that has to be put forth to try and get something banned, in many cases it does not.
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